New York, New York June 25, 2022 -- A metal grey cyclopean robot commands center stage in "The Orchard," Igor Golyak's adaptation of Chekov's The Cherry Orchard at the Baryshnikov Arts Center. Immersed in filtered white light (by Yuki Link) and a scattering of snow, the characters file in looking quite vulnerable next to the machine. Reunited to determine the future fate of their country estate and glorious cherry orchard, the financially weary aristocratic Russian family, headed by Ranevskaya (Jessic Hect), attempt to cope with this time of impending loss. Raised on the estate and the grandson of a serf, Lopakhin (Nael Nacer) is the only one realistically assessing impending options and consequences. In one generation he's gone from peasant to businessman, so he understands how quickly an aristocrat's fortune can change. Surrounded by a family loosely connected to reality, Ranevskaya's mind wanders from the drowning of her seven year-old son in the ...