New York, New York July 28, 2022 -- What does it take to be a friend? In The Kite Runner , two inseparable young men live within yards of each other; only one is the master Amir (Amir Arison), the other the servant Hassan (Eric Sirakian). The boys' fathers, also close friends, are raising their sons without a mother. At the dismay of Amir's father, Baba, (Faran Tahir) Amir eschews athletics for writing and poetry. When the play opens, the boys are twelve years-old and yearn for the day when they can compete in the kite running competition. (Until this show, I never thought of kite flying as a sport.) Without the benefit of kites billowing overhead, Amir's narration illuminates the soaring kites tricked out with glass pieces on the stings making them lethal weapons in kite battles. The handlers nimbly swerve between kite "cutting" competitors. One tall and lean, the other, short and compact, the two young boys share a love for one another, but are otherwise ...