BROADWAY's SIX reviewed by Celia Ipiotis

                Cast of Six. Photo by Joan Marcus.

Ready for some high powered singing and nonstop action? Then SIX is for you. Meet 6 glam queens of all time. One after another belts out a pop-styled song demanding who of all the wives was most beautiful, cleverest, sexiest, and deserving of His love. Bits from each queen's bio filters through the solos filling out an existence solely determined by a male's whims.

According to the wives, Henry XVIII owes his celebrity status to them. And from the sound of the cheering audiences, these blazingly talented women are right.

Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss's ebullient musical pits the queens in competition with one another and the one who wins the audience with the most potent sob story takes all the glory! 

Despite the wicked lyrics, a woman's lack of agency in the 15th century resounds loud and clear despite the nonstop hilarity. Tautly regal in a futuristic, high-collard 16th century royal gown, Catherine of Aragon (Adrianna Hicks) remained by Henry's side for 23 years. After Catherine, the wives overlap in glorious highs and heady falls.

To read more click here.


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